Clutch Job : Input S won't go thru pilot b-any tricks?

L DC ldc007usa at
Mon Aug 28 09:48:22 EDT 2006

Hi everyone.

Sunday, I tried and tried to make the tranny's input
shaft in my '85 VW QSW go through the pilot bearing
but was unsuccessful. 

What's the trick?  Please advise.

I set the pilot bearing in the back to the crank shaft
as deep as the old one. Looked very nice and straight.

I also aligned the clutch with its specific tool and
tightened pressure plate to torque specs and both
holes in the clutch and pilot bearing looked quite

Tranny slid right in through the clutch serrated hole
nicely and then the tranny's bell housing stopped
about 3/4 to an inch away from the engine block, the
approximate length of the pilot bearing.

I even had the tranny's holding bolt holes aligned to
their respective threaded holes on the engine block
using socket extensions.

I wiggled and wiggled the tranny to make the input
shaft go through the pilot bearing to no avail.

My friend and I pulled the tranny backwards to inspect
things inside the clutch and pilot bearing looked fine
with the clutch hole still aligned with the pilot's

A second friend comes by and suggested wiggling the
trany a bit more as we pushed forward----nothing, it
would not budge in.

Decided to pull tranny back out to take a second look
inside clutch.

This time, pilot bearing is destroyed. Lower part of
the ring, about 6 o'clock , is slightly torn outward
and a couple of its longitudinal bearings out of place
inside the pilot bearing.

Pilot bearing is the right size and fit nicely inside
the end of the input shaft, as tested prior to

This afternoon/evening, I will rent the pilot bearing
from the local FLAPS and R&R the pilot bearing as I
did before.

A fourth friend suggested this morning to tilt the
tranny slightly upwards by lowering its back a bit to
perhaps make the input shaft find it way in the pilot
bearing and then immediately straighten it out to
drive it home.

I though I kind of did that but not sure at this point
since I tried quite a few angles.

It does not help the fact that I’m doing this job
while car in on 2 jack stands and ramps, secured of
course by cement blocks around chasis.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



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