Anyone heard of "A Plus" or "A+" brand rotors?

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Fri Dec 8 13:56:26 EST 2006

Never heard of them.
But I dont really follow - you have a price for a brake job (installed) 
and a cheaper price for mail-order parts.
I'm obviously missing something.

You can get pretty good prices on Zimmerman and other OEM-quality 
aftermarket rotors at lots of places such as ECS, GPR and others.

On Dec 8, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Bart Oleksy wrote:

> My '98 A6 QW needs new pads & rotors on the front. I've been quoted 
> $450
> (CAD) installed, but found an eBay seller offering these rotors made by
> A Plus/A+ for quite a bit less.
> Do I need to run away from this screaming, or would it be worth
> considering? Here's what the seller responded with when I asked about
> this brand vs. Brembo/et al.
> ---begin quote from seller
> If you want a well known brand name, like Brembo or Zimmermann, that
> rotors will cost over US$350. If you want I can check for you.
> A Plus rotors are the same as other rotors brand (except Brembo or
> Zimmermann) selling on Ebay, they made of castiron soft steel, S.A.E
> G3000, as good as OEM rotors, even better.
> The reason why Brembo and Zimmermann rotors are so expensive because
> they are import from Italy and Germany (But many Brembo rotors are from
> Mexico) and they are “well-known” brand.
> ---end quote from seller
> I don't need any high-performance equipment here, but would obviously
> prefer to at least be "safe"! Any advice/suggestions 
> appreciated...thanks!
> Bart
> '98 A6 QW
> '97 A4 Q
> '91 200TQ
> '86 CGT
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