Leather seat cleaning

Alex Cagann alex at symbolicautosales.com
Tue Dec 12 19:28:30 EST 2006

I use a degreaser with a 50% dilution and the most important part....a
toothbrush. It takes forever, but it is the only thing that will detail all
the fine hairline areas in a leather seat. Spray the cleaner directly on the
leather, then scrub with a toothbrush, and remove with a damp terrycloth.
You will be pleased. If this doesn't work, you need to re-dye. If that is
necessary...contact me and I can talk you through it. Any stains can be
removed with lacquer thinner...used sparingly. 


> Need to clean the ECRU seats on my new (to me)96 A6 Avant... Going to play
> "flip that car" and need to get it cleaned before I dig into the
> mechanical
> stuff. Searched the archives for leather cleaning, but not too many hits!
> The cleaner/conditioner isn't doing such a great job at removing the crud.
> Owners manual says mild detergent and water. A friend just told me that a
> car detailer he knows uses a mix of simple green and white ammonia.
> Will try the soap and water deal tomorrow, but figured I'd poll the
> collective masses!
> Thoughts, any BTDT???
> Eric

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