NAC battery question

thejimrose thejimrose at
Thu Dec 14 01:27:54 EST 2006

thanks guys.. the car amp isnt a bad idea either. more cheap dirty power for
the $ likely. altho a car amp would only make 1/2 its rated power into an
8ohm speaker...

On 12/13/06, kf21857 at <kf21857 at> wrote:
> Cheap car amplifier (check pawn shops), home stereo speakers and an
> ipod.   This is basically the setup I have in my Triumph these days.  No CD
> player to worry about being stolen.
> Dave
> well the battery IS in my a4.. =)
> ive got a quick battery question - if i were to use my car battery to
> power
> a home reciever and speakers for a tailgate event how would i do that and
> how long could i expect it to play with say a 60 w.p.c. reciever? how
> would
> that work, would i need some kind of converter?
> just looking to get some moderate volume outside. thanks all!
> jim

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