Virgin car? (LAC funny) info about EU

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Fri Dec 15 09:53:49 EST 2006


just my 2cents.

a german car in the UK?
it is supposedly illegal for a car owner RESIDENT in
any of the EU
countries to own a vehicle registered in another EU
country if his
residency exceeds 12 months.
so you can have a german registered car in the uk, but
if it has been
there for more than a year then it is illegal. in
practice, many
immigrants use their folk's house to register the car
and drive home
once a year. This is what I did with my UK registered
rally car in
france for 5 years, although I had french insurance
and dis the french
bi-annual safety inspection.

A car imported into the UK must be modified to meet UK
standards. this
is basically fitting a MPH speedo (or MPH KMH) and RHD
headlamps (don't
forget that euro dip beams throw light up towards the
edge of the road).

UK vehicle registration is controlled by a central
agency in Swansea (or
Abertawe to the initiated)
their website is here:

the UK equivalent of Carfax is called HPI:

also UK car registrations are age related and the
number stays with the
car throughout its life.
numbers can be changed for 'personalised numbers' but
dvla and hpi will
know about that

In germany and france this is dealt with by local
offices at a county level.
France is in the process of centralising their
registration procedure
and switching to numbers that stay with the car for

German plates are renewed annually with the tax and
TUV safety test
required for new plates to be issued.
the UK has an annual  tax disk (displayed in the front
window) that is
issued to the registered keeper (not owner) and
requires valid
insurance, an MOT safety test cert and cash

Hope that helps sort the scams from the genuine deals.


Geraint Lloyd MPhil
VP Exploration

Gastem Inc,
1155 Rue University, Bureau 805, 
Montréal, Québec, H3B 3A7. 
Tel:   1 514 878 9333
Cell:  1 514 690 4747
Fax:   1 514 878 3041
SKYPE: geraint_lloyd

Dan DiBiase wrote:
> Brett Dikeman <quattro at> wrote: 
> On Dec 14, 2006, at 5:54 PM, Tihol Tiholov wrote:
>> Sorry for the waste of BW but since list content
lately's been a  
>> little off
>> anyway, here are some funny replies I got from
scammers.  Seems  
>> like the
>> Vaterland is not immune to scams, adds were on
mobile dot de.
>> This thing below came in twice, identical, though
the cars I asked
>> innocently about were different, except for being
A4 Avant Q and with
>> identical low prices:
> We get these all the time on craigslist.  The
location turns out to  
> be somewhere in eastern europe, and there's a sad
story about how the  
> car is in storage for one reason or another, blah
blah.  Price is  
> usually well under half fair market value, sometimes
as low as 1/10th.
> I responded to an ad on CL for a 2002 Volvo S40
(looking for a first car for my son) listed for $3,500
with 65k miles. Took a day or two for the gentleman to
respond because, as he said, he has been spending time
with his daughter in the hospital - she is having
heart problems, poor dear. Turns out the car is in
Croatia with him, even though Carfax indicates it's
registered in Pennsylvania. He never responded back
when I asked about that.
> BTW, I have an open Carfax account, until
mid-January, should anyone need it. 
> Dan D
> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
> Central NJ USA
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