RANT: T-Stat on A4

thejimrose thejimrose at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 18:04:32 EST 2006

definitley. i have a 98 a4 aeb and i cant imagine why youd want to
change the filter from the top, since gravity pulls down on the oil,
so you would want a drain pan there.  also once the filter is off, i
imagine it's easier + less messy  to bring it down into the drain pan
then pull it up and rish spilling oil all over the top of the motor.

i put the car on ramps, pull the belly pan [well, i would if i had
one], and it's a nearly straight shot to the filter from below. it
does require a bit of  a wiggle to get it out, but not so bad that it
requires emptying waste oil all over your face.  a fumoto valve makes
up for the bit of oil you invariably spill from changing the filter.

NAC but i was just poking around under the hood of my gf's 05 4runner.
a very nicely built vehicle. the oil filter sits, messy-end-down, in
the center of a cast metal 'funnel' right at the top / front of the
motor. absolutely brilliant. i stared at it lovingly for a few minutes
until she was like; "ahhh.. is something wrong?" =)

but it probably just compensates for an extra-miserable to access drain plug?

> > Are we talking about the same car?  Mine's a 97 A4 with AEB engine
> > code.  The oil filter is almost directly below the coolant reservoir and
> > faces the rear of the car.  I always drop the belly pan but I think a bunch
> > of stuff is in the way.  Can't recall but I think it's suspension and
> > control arm parts.
> >
> > Anyway, a few others have suggested that access from the bottom is easiest
> > so next oil change, I'll try that but I could have sworn I didn't have
> > access to it from the bottom.
> >
> > Anyone esle got a 97 A4 (AEB)?
> >

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