
Robert Myers bob at
Thu Dec 28 17:15:16 EST 2006

Hi Brett,

The cut-outs have not returned since Christmas (for which I'm 
thankful).  My thinking at this point is to hand my favorite 
independent wrench my wallet, my credit card, my ATM card with PIN 
number and a mortgage on my home and tell him to replace every sensor 
which could conceivably be even remotely related to the problem.

The better half just ordered a new 2007 scoobie Forester w/ turbo 
engine and manual tranny.  The Legacy was NLA w/ manual tranny. No 
Audi for her.  :-(

BTW, let me be the first to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  We have 
one coming y'know.  ;-)

At 04:35 PM 12/28/2006, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>On Dec 27, 2006, at 4:25 PM, Robert Myers wrote:
>>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate (tm) Pro*
>>Hi Y'all,
>>Well what with one thing and another we had to take our Christmas
>>trip (~700 miles) in the urS6 with the engine cut-out problem.  Q:
>>How did we take the trip?  A: With a great deal of apprehension.  Q:
>>How did the car do?  A: Flawlessly.  Now the question is "Why?"
>Marc Swanson and I had a chat about this once- my car loves long
>highway drives, and seems to get cranky around-town driving; the 
>butt- o-meter says power is down after lots of around-town trips, and a
>good hour to two hours of highway driving will make it more responsive.
>On the highway, the engine is running with very little vacuum
>compared to idling/around town driving.  I think the theory goes that
>the car sucks more crankcase gunk bumming around town, and a nice
>long highway drive clears things out.  Or, that I have a vacuum leak
>somewhere (I regularly test with a pressure tester, so this is less
>likely) and the ECU is adjusting all its adaptation values for the
>leak at vacuum, and thus screwing up mixture under power/boost.
>Maybe give the crank breather system the hairy eyeball?  How's the
>car been since?  Has it gone back to its tricks?
>Oh- and did you have a fresh tank of gas?  I've heard the new ethanol
>blends have a -very- short "tank life."
>Let us know if you figure it out.
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