short circuit gremlin

Tessie McMillan tessmc at
Fri Feb 3 16:49:38 EST 2006

The instrument cluster lights are out again in my 80Q. No amount of 
replacing blown fuses solves the problem. Per suggestions from this list, 
I checked the wiring in the trunk near the hinge (it looked really new).
The luggage light works. I took apart the center console since a friend 
decided to glue up my differential lock (literally!), and now that is all 
clean, goo-goned and functional as well. 

I took my car to my mechanic for another reason and I asked him if he 
would take a look. He checked everywhere that I did. When he tested the 
headlight switch circuit, he said that whatever points he tested 
registered a short. He was wondering if my headlight switch itself had 
gone bad. 

Does this story jog anyone's memory of similar situations? Any other places
that I missed looking?

p.s. - FWIW I am still looking for a turbo quattro wagon, but I (gasp) 
also started considering early Volvo 240s. I guess up to about '85 these 
came in a RWD turbo manual version, and the later ones were galvanized.

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