Rear brake advice after new pad install

iain.atkinson at iain.atkinson at
Sun Feb 5 15:21:56 EST 2006


replaced the rear pads today in my 1990 cq20v, after install the handbrake was higher than before, went for a bedding in ride, wow hot brakes like smokin hot, let it cool down for a couple of hours handbrake now back to where it was, went out for another ride, rear brakes still quite hot compared to the front, i can see that the cables are working normally and coming off when the handbrake is on and off. Any ideas??? is it a settle down kinda thing or should i back the hadnbrake adjuster off a touch.

The old pads were right down to 2mm, and the piston's of the calipers were way out, went back into the caliper no problem though.



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