Water pump tech (NAC)

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 19:34:54 EST 2006

Does anyone know how are impellers bonded to the shafts of waterpumps?   OEM
technology would be nice to know.

I have a brand new, unused OEM water pump for a Mk4 VW, fits AEG (2.0) and
APH (1.8T), with a 1/2" break on the plastic impeller (rough shipping
methinks).  Thought it too risky to glue it, so either bond on a good
plastic one or find/make an Alum. one and bond that one on.

More of a project thing, not a necessity, if it doesn't turn out to be
reliable, won't use the pump.

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