One Piece Driveshaft

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at
Wed Feb 8 11:18:29 EST 2006

> From: Shawn Manny <shawn.manny at>
> Subject: One Piece Driveshaft
> To: Audi List <quattro at>
> Message-ID:
> 	<fc6e70eb0602070922h1fff212etd2c678eb77aafea8 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Looking for any BTDT experience about making a one piece driveshaft 
> for my
> 4kq, I know someone has done it( 80-90 quat) from the info I dug up on
> Audifans and the Fortitude forums, just looking for more. Anyone or 
> even
> better the one who did it?
> Shawn
> (project rallycrosser)

You're looking on the wrong forum. motorgeek. com is where you need to 
be. The developer of the one piece drive shaft is named mance and his 
nick is onepissedoff90. I don't think that they are a production piece 
but others are copying it using his method. You need someone who is 
good with a lathe to separate the cv flanges from the ends of a stock 
drive shaft, the appropriate piece of steel tube, and someone handy 
with a welder to rejoin the pieces. The consensus is that the two piece 
shaft is partly to allow removal/installation of the shaft without 
having to remove the rear diff at the same time. There may also be 
torsional resonance and bending issues but mance apparently overbuilt 
it to the point where his setup works. He still managed to get rid of a 
lot of rotating mass which was his original goal.


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