JT Engine Oil Drain Plug Size?

Grant Lenahan glenahan at fastmail.fm
Wed Feb 8 20:41:16 EST 2006

The same size as the drain plug threads - measure it.
I dont have it memorized.
Any good auto parts store should be able to look it up and give (sell) 
you one.
Where I buy filters, they tape the replacement washer to the box.  Its 
a replacement part.

On Feb 8, 2006, at 7:49 PM, Doug Johnson wrote:

> I just emptied the oil pan, only to notice I didn't have a 
> crush-washer on
> my drain plug.
> Can anyone please tell me the size of the copper washer that was 
> missing
> from my '86 4000 quattro's oil drain plug?
> TIA!
>  ~ Doug
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