Radio Wiring
Richard J Lebens
rick-l at
Fri Feb 10 00:52:02 EST 2006
I have no idea what a melborne radio is but I have the schematic
sitting in front of me. The bottom of the page says 1990 coupe quattro
and there is a vin split. I have had my radio out in my 1991 20V and
remember the three connectors but not what color they were. On page
91-10-2 it shows three connectors, a 10 pin one and two 8 pin ones.
The top (10 pin) says rear speaker connection - not amplified. the
middle says front speaker and the lower one says power supply
It looks like all the connectors have at least 4 wires in them.
--- iain.atkinson at wrote:
> Folks
> need a little help on this, i have a 1990 coupe q fitted with an old
> blaupunkt melbourne radio cassette (it should be in a museum!!) i
> have got 3 din plugs on the back, 1 for power and earth, 1 for
> speakers and a brown one with 3 wires in it, any ideas what the brown
> one's function is???
> Thanks
> Iain
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