No subject

Fri Feb 10 17:15:46 EST 2006


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Ben Swann
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 8:26 AM
To: iain.atkinson at
Cc: quattro at
Subject: RE: Re: Radio Wiring

Yeah - I was just checking a few of my Bentley manuals for the 5000 and 200
as I don't have one for the 90.  Apparently the information I gave earlier
is WRONG!  A big ASSU&ME!

Audi did a lot of interesting things with these steros - integrating
multiple amps antennas ans taking control feeds from the tach and trans,
etc.  So my interpretation of the wiring at first glance seems to be way

The diagram for the Wiesbaden is in the 200 series manual and shows the
red/top connector for the rear speaker connections.  Since only 3 wires, I
presume that the brown is common speaker ground to an amp and the other 2
are left and right +.  I guessed the middle 8 pin Brown connector is for
front speakers correctly. The bottom Black 8 pin is for power feeds.
Diagrams shows whit for antennae powering and really need a proper diagram
for the specific car to get this stuff right.

Anyone have a good diagram of the radio connections for Coupe Quattro?


-----Original Message-----
From: iain.atkinson at [mailto:iain.atkinson at]
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 12:24 PM
To: benswann at
Subject: Re: Re: Radio Wiring

I tested the red plug last night and it's not powered so must feed
something, i don't know if the rear speakers are amped or not i have yet to
take them, if they there is no difference in their lousy performance with
not using this plug.

i think the plain white wires are for powered aerial, red and brown stripe
is a continuous power supply, brown is an earth,

As for speaker wiring i have never been able to work what goes where on
these cars, and have in the past just rewired all the speakers with decent
cable rather than the thin crappy audi stuff, ditto the power supply and

> From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
> Date: 2006/02/10 Fri PM 05:07:44 GMT
> To: <quattro at>
> CC: <rick-l at>,
> 	<iain.atkinson at>
> Subject: Re: Radio Wiring
> I'd like to offer any info. I have as well as get some clarification, as I
> have a Wiesbaden (aka AUDI and looks like a newer model of a Blaupunkt)
> stereo sitting in front of me.  I will likely install it temporarily into
> '90 Coupe Q that I will be driving home in a  few weeks - need tunes for
> ride and current stereo's tape is inop.
> SO hopefully it will be plug and play, but here is what is in back of
> Three connectors similar as described below -
> Top Red 10 pin is obviously for power connections with pin 5 having brown
> wire - ground ;  pin 8  is Red with silver stripe is most likely power;
> 10 is Blue with green stripe and I figure to power an amplifier for the
> connections.
> Note:  the pin numbering on these connections is odd on one row and even
> the other.  Topmost row is even - numbers are embossed on face of the
> connectors.
> The middle connector on my radio is a brown 8 pin and 2 pair of light
> wires are obviously the typical front speaker wires.  These are pins 3&5
> solid light green (+) and pins 4&6 light green with black stripe (-) as
> typical speaker wiring.
> The bottom connector is black and has four sets of wires.  This is the
> confusing part. There is a pair of red wires coming out of Pin 7  the two
> wires are different size - I'll call them large and small (1 and .5 mm?).
> Pin 8 has two small (.5mm?) brown wires.    Pin 5 has two small white
> Pin 6 has just one large gray with blue stripe wire.
> So I gather the set of 4 wires is for the rear speakers, but wiring does
> make sense unless the different sized wires were used just to take
> of the particular type of wire Audi had at the time.   Perhaps someone has
> wiring diagram to make sense of this, or knows for sure.
> I suspect the top, middle and bottom connectors could be different
> upon stereo make.  The connectors are "idiot proof" so one can't mix up
> where they are plugged in.
> Ben
> benswann at
> [Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 21:29:01 -0800 (PST)
> From: Richard J Lebens <rick-l at>
> Subject: Re: Radio Wiring
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID: <20060210052901.52963.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> I have no idea what a melborne radio is but I have the schematic
> sitting in front of me.  The bottom of the page says 1990 coupe quattro
> and there is a vin split.  I have had my radio out in my 1991 20V and
> remember the three connectors but not what color they were.  On page
> 91-10-2 it shows three connectors, a 10 pin one and two 8 pin ones.
> The top (10 pin) says rear speaker connection - not amplified. the
> middle says front speaker and the lower one says power supply
> connections.
> It looks like all the connectors have at least 4 wires in them.
> --- iain.atkinson at wrote:
> > Folks
> >
> > need a little help on this, i have a 1990 coupe q fitted with an old
> > blaupunkt melbourne radio cassette (it should be in a museum!!) i
> > have got 3 din plugs on the back, 1 for power and earth, 1 for
> > speakers and a brown one with 3 wires in it, any ideas what the brown
> > one's function is???
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Iain]

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