Oil Change Instructions

John Larson j.d.larson at verizon.net
Sun Feb 12 16:40:02 EST 2006

You said:  "FYI. Here is how to change your oil."

       1) Pull  up to Wal Mart when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since
the last oil change.
       2) Drink  a cup of coffee.
       3) 15  minutes later, write a check and leave with a properly
maintained vehicle.
       Money  spent: Oil Change $20.00, Coffee $1.00, Total $21.00

Unfortunately, this truncated version of this otherwise humorous semi-joke 
has been passed around for years, and has appeared several times on this 
very list.

Missing is : 4) 5 minutes after paying the bill and leaving the parking lot, 
notice the oil pressure warning light is on.  Have the car towed to another 
shop and spend another $100-150 having the stripped oil drain plug hole 
repaired,  the cheap-*ss oil filter replaced, and the proper weight oil 
installed.  If it's a stamped steel oil pan, figure in the parts and labor 
to replace the oil pan itself.
5) Try to get Wal-Mart to pay for the damage they caused.
6)  Spend the next couple of years worrying about the extent of the damage 
done to the connecting rod bearings, the cam bores, and other vital engine 

I speak from experience.  I make good money repairing oil pans for Wal-Mart 
and jiffy Lube, and I have for years.  John

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