oil change instructions

Tessie McMillan tessmc at drizzle.com
Sun Feb 12 22:37:44 EST 2006

L O L!!!

Unfortunately, I can add one other alternative for the "Oil Change for 
Women" category. This was before I started driving at the track and I knew 
nothing about cars. Now I know next-to-nothing, but at least I know how to 
change the oil...

1. Purchase car
2. Drive car for at least a year 
3. Puzzle over engine's increasingly ominous noises for a few 
weeks. This step earns suspicious looks from passers-by.
4. Take car to foreign car repair shop for them to "have a look"

Money spent: $800 (to replace the oil, broken camshaft, and various odd 

Yes, I am sorry to say, it was my poor Audi when I first bought her, and 
needless to say I'm pretty sensitive to tappet noise any more...

in Bellevue, WA USA

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