Alfa Elite Rally Computer on 4kq?

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at
Mon Feb 13 19:13:36 EST 2006

I don't have any experience with the Alpha Elite Rally
Computer but the manual describes a "Hall Effect"
sensor used for wheel speed. The signal for a "Hall
effect" sensor is significantly different from the
signal you will get for the magnetic reluctance type
sensor the Audi has in the speedo head for the cruise
control. I have mounted several "Wheel Speed" sensor
to the side of the trans and mounted the magnets to
the inner CV joint. Clean the outside CV joint and a
drop of super glue for each magnet followed by a round
of strapping tape. A sheet metal bracket to hold the
sensor can be made to mount under a couple of the side
flange bolts for the trans case or any of several
other existing bolts or bolt holes.
Good Luck on the rally

--- bill price <bill at> wrote:

> I'm preparing a 1984 4000 Quattro for the
> Thunderbird TSD in British
> Columbia next weekend, and wonder if anyone knows
> for sure that I can't
> take the signal off the cruise main control unit
> test plug or elsewhere (no
> success so far).
> Have other users had to use the wheel sensor?
> Thanks,
> Bill
> Hillsboro, OR
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