Steering wheel shimmy at highway speeds

Max Hoepli mhoepli at
Thu Feb 16 15:48:54 EST 2006

Check the wheel balance.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brett Dikeman" <quattro at>
To: "Tony Urban" <tony at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: 16, February 2006 14:03
Subject: Re: Steering wheel shimmy at highway speeds

> On Feb 16, 2006, at 1:14 PM, Tony Urban wrote:
> > Over the past month or two I've noticed a shimmy in my steering wheel
> > when I hit 55 and above.  I'd think it was my alignment or a tire  
> > but it
> > seems to come and go (although it's there more than it isn't).  To
> > better explain, I'll be going 65 and the wheel will be shuddering  
> > about
> > 1/8 inch side to side, I'll round a curve and the shimmy will go away.
> > I round another curve and it returns.
> >
> > Does anyone have an idea one what could be causing this problem?
> Could be a number of things, many/most of them very dangerous if  
> they're precursors (ie a bolt working loose but not off completely  
> etc).  I would strongly advice against driving the car until you  
> figure out what it is.  Inspect the tire (inside and outside edge)  
> for bubbles or tread separation.  Check all the lug nuts.  Grip the  
> top of the tire and rock it back and forth (throw your weight into  
> it).  You'll sometimes hear clunking if something is loose, or feel  
> an unnatural wiggle...and with a buddy watching things, you might see  
> movement and be able to track it down.  Jack the car up and try to  
> wiggle the tire/rim (do this gently, and not with the emergency  
> jack.  As always, use jack stands, etc. etc.)
> Consider a flat-bed tow to a mechanic if you can't determine the  
> source- I wouldn't drive it until I knew why it was happening.  If I  
> had a shimmy that suddenly appeared on the track or street, that'd be  
> a "pull over as soon as is safe" item.
> Brett
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