Big Kudos to the Q-List

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Tue Feb 21 17:12:33 EST 2006

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At 04:59 PM 2/21/2006 -0500, Alex Kowalski wrote:
>I'd like to take a second and thank Ben Swann, Dave Kase, and the rest of
>the list for all the help in the past few weeks.  I received Dave's
>recharged hydraulic pressure accumulator (The Bomb) and his workmanship is
>absolutely second to none.  Yesterday I also received Ben's QLCC chips and
>wastegate springs and Ben not only did a fabulous and economical service for
>me, he packaged them in such a way that they were virtually indestructible
>during shipment.  I can't wait to get the chips and the accumulator into
>this car.  It's a real credit to the List that the cameraderie and the level
>of expertise and enthusiasm still exists for these cars, and that Ben and
>Dave, among many others, are still producing high-quality products of this
>kind at a very affordable price.  Avi, you're next.  ;)
>It's been said many times before, but it's still very true:  the Quattro
>List is simply an incredible resource for Audi fans.  Keeping these cars
>running well is a pleasure, and a great hobby, with folks like these
>around.  I knew Dan was on to something when I discovered the List oh, so
>long ago...  :)
>Alex Kowalski
>'87 5KCSTQ Black -- New Brakes
>'86 5KCSTQ Red - Coming Soon
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at

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