Gruppe-q Steamboat 2006 Report
Wed Feb 22 14:52:40 EST 2006
Alas, once again, a year has passed, and a new round of confessions is
needed regarding the Outlaws of Quattros on Ice. This year the weather proved
picture perfect, the video and still documentation extensive, and the fun...
Addicting. As usual, Best of format will apply:
Best condo chow not to do again: No Chili this year. In honor of Golledge
and Chad's antics, we used Ham to feed the masses.
Best on Track Spin: Because of the convenient video footage, and the double
horn toot following the demo, Chad takes it this year (for visual
presentation) over Ingo (frequency winner) and Golledge (best audio)
Best carnage: Ingo. I believe at one point, he dropped half his v8 belly
pan, drove around it several laps before he realized in the pits it was indeed
his. The before and after shots of "mom's new v8" seemed to define
'oxymoron' to the very statement.
Best Tool at the track: Following best carnage, was the brand new cordless
sawsall WG Giles put in his trunk. Christened properlly at 7200 feet by
Ingo, cutting off the other lower half of his front bumper.
Best hold your breath moment: Brandon Rogers taking his pristine 20vt urq
on track and doing a perfect center track spin, then stamping back on the gas
when the realization came there would be no contact. Did not qualify for
Best on Track Spin (no carnage or horn)
Best video: Still held in the archives, to be edited and released, the
Chase of the Big Dogs... Justy's supercharged yota with camera, chasing Golledge
in the LT1Q - some 650+ combined HP... Several video pans across the front
of the truck were so close, you couldn't see the tail lights. The audio and
visual presentation earns Golledge the stuntman of the year.
Best background Audio: Tie. Golledge LT1Q at 5000rpm / Ben Howell's laughs
at watching it all.
Best 'what's in the box'? Justy arrives with Blizzack equipped/
supercharged 4.5liter DOHC Landcruiser. Killer whale wading around amongst the minnows.
Best reaction to what's in the box: Pederson incredulous monolog after
Justy's Jolly Green Giant chased down the turbo gonzo wagon
Best Tow. Wayne Brenegan conveniently raised the back of his A6tt (LR tire
1.5feet in the air) to 'facilitate a clean look at the rear tow point of said
vehicle' . Safety first.
Best Salesman. Pederson takes two cars to event (1 with Pizzo), ends up
running just 1. Hopefully, the intro to Gruppe-q won't cost you any cars next
Best Tow II. The Landcruiser's sheer heft made a lot of friends at this
event. The F250 turbo diesel pickup (Big Dog) infamous "extreme prejudice to
task" , was replaced with the Jolly Green Giant "gentle persuasion". Note:
Neither loses using respective modus operandi.
Best Non Tow. Thankfully for all, there was no off for the landcruiser, so
no Battle of the Bohemouth video.
Best Scandinavian Flick: Tie. For the synchronization on camera, Hackl and
Lawson had dual Flicks in turn 2 that could be the beginnings of an
Audisport Video.
Best Quattro twister.. WG driving Lee R 95 S6 with carbon fiber roof box,
or JGG with yellow towing tail. The quattro with a big box, or a quattro as a
big box?
Best Prejudice to Task: The Riley (85) urq lowered a valve spring on Tues.
Ran for all 3 days of the event, before deciding to cough up the motor all
Best Field Repair. Justy takes this for 2 radiator R&R at track (one at 10
degrees, the other below zero). Post event, a bit of MacGuyver by Laddie to
get his urq off a 9000 foot pass at a windchill of -30. Battery to field
wire got us to Laramie where volt reg was swapped at a balmy 24 degrees.
Best Repair Shop Involvement Trophy. Why does Justy always get to present
this? A most accomodating radiator repair shop in Craig, became my savior
this year... Twice. Something about radiator fans and core causing an
interference fit at high rpm.
Best Off with Pride: Rogers holding the '91 200tq bumper conveniently
removed from said vehicle. After, er, belt inspection, it was literally pressed
back into service.
Best Preemtive Strike of Spider. Chip Ellis (91 CQ) made a safari style
bumper, albeit one year too late, that did exactly what in hindsight, Ingo would
have wanted it to do...
Best Ride for a Newbie. After Waye's gal Lisa grabbed the doorhandles in
Justy's JGG, we insisted that a ride in the Golledge machine would cure the
white knuckle problem. It did.
Best Off Track Junket: The wild and crazy, and majorly "out of bounds"
excursion to the Strawberry Hot Springs. 4 co-drivers with beers, 1 ProRally
Driver with a really big rally truck. Getting there is half the fun.
Best (only) Ticket Display: 70mph crosswinds and new nubby Blizzacks got
Justy stopped in Nebraska for a suspected DUI. Insisted on the written warning
for that one.
Best Stig (Stick) Blunder. Pizzo 'grabbing' second so hard in Pederson's
wagon, he pulled the shift knob clear off. They must chain them into the
Best of Denial. Chad taking the 200 to pit lane 50 feet before the JGG
lapped him. Riley verbally claimed being jipped. Sorry no refunds on free rides.
Best Convenient Out. Brandon Rogers repeatedly found the rough trail to the
top of the hill out of turn 8. Missing the scandanavian flick can and did
put plan B into effect.
Best Follow my Leader. Golledge literally bounced his LT1Q around the
track. Chad had his moments, but Peter was more consistent. The Aussie accent in
debriefs added that much more flare.
Best realization someone is getting old. Justy sharing the laugh regarding
Golledge bank bounces, got the response "Well, I lernt it from you, mate!".
Yup, I'm older, the real questionL Wiser?
Best Hooligans on a Mission: Justy has forewarned M. Pizzo, that he should
*never* leave his "Joe Boxer" smiley shorts at the condo. Several modeled
photos of said garmet will be found on the internet soon. Copywrited by Ingo
and Justy.
That's it for now, I'm sure others can add to the perspective. Overall, the
returnies are getting better at this, and the trend will be to bring a
dedicated beast I'm sure. I must thank Bob ChimChim "let's just knock it out"
Dupree for taking the time pre-event to help me stuff the permanently loaned
supercharger in the Landcruiser. A couple of budwiesers in the airbox during
assembly said it all. A thanks to Hackl (Registrar) and WG (Safety Steward)
for taking on the responsible roles and real work in my crazy vision. Thanks
to all the wives of the G-q crew, for once again allowing some testosterone
relief of Cabin Fever. To Nate and his Dad, for jumping back onto the horse
Thurs/Fri. To the whole G-q crew, for making this event the best ever. Chad,
I promise a 'real' quattro next year brother. Ben, thanks for the rides,
always best to reconnect over laughter. Ingo and Dave L, great behind the
scenes work gents. Pederson, the sales award for this event is all yours sir. Not
sure how many you let drive, but a lot of helmets entered your drivers
seat. Lisa, thanks for proving newbies can do this event, and very well, thank
you. Justin and Amber, lest we ever forget what lengths any of us endure for
this event, you have set the highest standard with the best attitudes.
Video links can be found on G-q site
_www.gruppe-q.com_ (
End of Report
Game Over>Detox 1 year>insert quarter to play again.
Scott Justusson
Gruppe-q Steamboat 2006
'94 Landcruiser SC (aka Jolly Green Giant)
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