wheel question
Taka Mizutani
t44tqtro at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 12:01:45 EST 2006
You cannot go by curb weight- you should use the car's gross vehicle weight
that is stated on the driver's doorjamb as the correct weight, then divide
by 4.
I think you'll find that your Audi has a GVWR much higher than 3500lbs.
If you use that tire that is only rated to 992lbs., you can't even have
4000lbs. total- once you have a full tank of gas, a few passengers, you'll
be way over that rating.
If you don't believe me or think my statements are incorrect, check Tire
Rack's FAQ- they have an excellent explanation of load rating that will
expound this info much more clearly than me.
Do some research- any OEM approved tire is going to have a load rating that
exceeds the vehicles GVWR. Having an inadequate tire is asking for trouble
and no reputable tire installer will install tires that have an inadequate
load rating due to liability concerns.
On 2/23/06, tmb <the_questionist at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I don't believe you'll find a tire with enough
> > load rating for a 5ktq in
> > 205/40R17- that's a size that's usually used on
> > cars like Civics. Make sure
> > you're over a load rating of 90 or you're
> > asking for a blowout at highway
> > speed.
> i've been looking around for some info on load
> ratings vs. vehicle weights, and i've found that
> a load rating of 90 = 1323lbs.
> according to audi, the audi 200 wagon curb weight
> is 3439lbs. that means that i would need a tire
> that can handle a max of 860lbs (load rating of
> 76) to be safe.
> while not my cup of tea, the specs are online, so
> i'll use them: bridgestone potenza RE750s in a
> 205.40.17 spec out at 992lbs (load rating: 80).
> for a guy who knows not a lot about this black
> art, i'll have to say that the numbers tell me
> that a 205.40.17 (at least from bridgestone) will
> safely work with these cars, and leave some room
> for loading the car as well.
> to be extra safe, i might consider the
> 215.40.17s, because they offer a load rating of
> 83 (1074lbs), which would allow nearly another
> 1000lbs of gear to be loaded in.
> keep in mind that i really have no real world
> experience with this. this is purely info that
> i've found online. if there's anything amiss
> with my numbers, please let me know.
> jason
> tmb
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