200TQA suspension question

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Thu Feb 23 20:18:35 EST 2006

On Thursday 23 February 2006 15:18, tmb wrote:
> alright, i can assure you that i have searched
> with google using:
> "www.audifans.com + suspension"

Is that how you entered the text? It wouldn't work, unless
you includes "site:" before the www. Try this line -- copy 
the line and paste it into the Google search box):

site:www.audifans.com "lowered suspension" 

Then you can try:
site:www.audifans.com "lowered suspension" "type 44"

site:www.audifans.com "lowered suspension" 200

and other variations.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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