200T 2wd auto final drive fill plug + more

capnkidd capnkidd at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 1 12:50:51 EST 2006

Message below.....

 |-----Original Message-----
 |From: George Selby [mailto:gselby4x4 at earthlink.net] 
 |Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 2:45 PM
 |To: quattro at audifans.com
 |Subject: Re: 200T 2wd auto final drive fill plug + more
 |Good news!  I found it.  It's back behind the inner CV on the 
 |driver's side, and a tranny mount is in the way of removing 
 |it easily.  I checked the fluid level, and it was a cup low, 
 |so I filled it up.

Hi George, 

You are very fortunate indeed;  a main reason to check the final drive is to
see if tranny fluid is migrating through the seal to the final drive.
Finding yours low means your seals are intact. WRT the location of the fill
hole:  it's apparently in the same place on the housing as my older 5KT, a
real pita to get at.  I separated my left shoulder either tightening or
loosening it once because I was on the floor in an awkward position.  From
then on I removed the left wheel and patched together enough extensions to
reach the plug, which, btw, uses the same socket as the VW final drive.


Jim Jordan

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