LAC! LONG! 10ft of snow in 36 hrs.

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Wed Jan 4 12:03:01 EST 2006

Reminds me of a skiing trip my family took up to Bear Valley in the early
70's when we lived at Edwards AFB.  Huge snowfall, lots of digging.  Very


On 1/3/06, c dyer <cdyer_2000 at> wrote:
> I grew up in Northern WI, have been to Mammoth Lakes
> in the Sierras hundreds of times, and never seen this
> much snow this fast. 10 ft.
> Of course our hotel was up a super-steep hill--my
> unluckly passengers had to push the vehicle up it
> twice even after I had gained speed.  And the vehicle
> was...the wife's fwd Highlander. DOH! The 5ktq has ABS
> issues (amongst others), plus we had 2 others and much
> gear. W/chains, it was ok. But what a perfect quattro
> moment; actually 4 days of hot "chains required"
> action MISSED, WASTED! However either car would have
> required the 3 hours of 4 people digging out from the
> onslaught.
> The CHP had a roadblock on the downhill of US395.
> Uphill is normal (got chains? 4wd?), but downhill?
> Turns out he was directing everyone over to get rid of
> the 5+ feet of mini-icebergs on the car roofs! Makes
> sense.
> Oh well, if I took my '87 5kcstq it probably would
> have blown a master cylinder or the blower motor would
> have gone kaput or something. Saw one burgundy 5ktq
> sedan at Chair 2. Any listers up in Mammoth, Tahoe,
> Reno this weekend?
> Chris Dyer
> (310) 442-2190 home
> (310) 567-9863 cell
> 866 Westgate Ave. #8
> Los Angeles, CA 90049
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