Q7's pricing and V8

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 5 16:36:59 EST 2006

Brett Dikeman <quattro at frank.mercea.net> wrote:    Any commentary on the Q7 pricing that was released today?   
Something like a base of $49k?

Yeah,  it's a shitload of money!! I'm not sure how that segment of the market  is doing these days (Escalade, Navigator, Range Rover, etc.) but Audi  probably would have been better served to have this car here 2 years  ago, with the Touareg.... OTOH, it's a nice-looking car, for an SUV,  and will probably sell decently. Hopefully they'll send the FSI V6  model our way so 'regular folk' can afford one..... 
  I wonder why they used 'Q7' instead of 'A7'? 
  Dan D
  '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
  Central NJ USA

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