Mystery relay falls out while driving; car and occupants OK

Andrew Butitta akbutitta at
Mon Jan 9 01:20:37 EST 2006

Hello, list!

I've posted before and gotten great, helpful answers
to my (many) questions about my new (to me) 1987 Audi
Coupe GT.

Well, the little Audi served up another surprise for
me tonight.

I was driving home (about a 100 mile trip) from my
parents' house tonight, and as I was driving I heard
something fall behind the dashboard in front of me.
Nothing stopped working, and everything seemed normal.

At the next town (with only one stoplight), I felt
something fall out onto my feet and roll onto the
floor. I reached down and picked up...

a relay...

It's rectangular, says 236 on the top, 630 01 on one
side, and has a lot of writing on another side, with a
few choice numbers and a worthless wiring diagram. It
looks a little like this:

    [VW] OOOO
  443 955 532A
ZRL                12V-
        E0 605
Made in Germany
[wiring symbol]
St1  30  15  31  T  87

What exactly is this? Is it important? Where does it
go? What does it do?

Perhaps someone with the Bentley can answer all these
questions and more!

Thanks in advance,

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