Can't get the lid to open...

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Mon Jan 9 03:23:40 EST 2006

At 02:54 AM 1/9/2006, you wrote:
>That redundancy is an absolute necessity.  I see cars all the time  whose
>hoods are fluttering in the wind because they are only on the safety  latch.
>Done it once or twice myself, and it brings back bad  memories.  I was in 
>a car
>whose hood flew open once.  Luckily my mommy  (I was six) managed to pull the
>car to the side of the road without killing  anyone.  Man, I would not wish a
>similar experience on anyone.
>If you have a 1978 Ford LTD wagon, secure the damn hood.  If you have  our
>old LTD Wagon, get a new windshield, that thing was smashed to bits.

Must be common to 78 Fords in general.  My hood has flown up on several 
occasions on my 78 F-150, including one time where I smacked on the brakes 
so hard the driveshaft separated and drove itself into the pavement so hard 
it mangled the splines, ruining the driveshaft.  I do have a 3" lift which 
may have exacerbated the tendency of the driveshaft to separate.  Good news 
was this gave me the opportunity to get a longer driveshaft which no longer 
vibrates at around 60 mph.

I bought a new latch assembly, and haven't had the problem since, but I do 
stand on my winch bumper to make sure the hood is slammed down whenever I 
shut it. (The hood when closed is at about the level of my upper chest - 
and I'm 6'4" tall!)

George Selby 

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