Forge ?

David duandcc_forums at
Fri Jan 13 08:51:29 EST 2006

> From: Tihol Tiholov <t.tiholov at>
> Date: 2006/01/12 Thu PM 07:44:53 EST
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Forge ?
> To the turbo gurus:
> What is the difference between Forge 006 and 007 diverter valves, also
> between green and blue springs (as used in a 006)?
> Is one or the other better suited for a 1.8T?
> TIA,
> Tihol
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Both will work fine for the 1.8T. 006 is bigger than the 007.  The 006 functions using a piston whilst the 007 uses a diaphram. Both are very high quality DVs and differ greatly in design & function from the stock Bosch 710 valve (now up to revision N) that is known for failing due to torn/leaking diaphrams. BTDT. I put a 006 in my former 1998 Passat 1.8T when I started beta testing chips for UPsolute in 1999 (I was an early adopter of the B5 Passat, bought her new in October 1997, I have a bad habit of buying first year cars). 

As for choosing a spring, there are actually 4 springs available, yellow, green, blue, & order of increasing stiffness. The stiffer springs are better suited for higher levels of boost. The standard spring is fine for most non-racing applications including 1.8Ts with chips running up to 1 bar of boost. But there are advantages to the stiffer springs. The sooner it closes, the better.  The sooner it closes the faster you'll feel the power.  The sooner it closes, the less turbo lag you will experience. 

Oh, note that msot people have found that installing the DV BACKWARDS works much better than installing it the "normal way." For a really good (but long) writeup including real testing on DVs (both aftermarket and stock Bosch) check out  "THE GREAT Diverter Valve FACE-OFF" at One last thing, that page is slightly dated...the Forge 007 disn't exist at the time of any refrences to the Froge DV are for the 006. Sorry for being so long winded...hope this helps...

1987 CGT 2.3

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