should I buy an older Quattro wagon/Avant?

Brendan mailinglist at
Tue Jan 17 22:59:54 EST 2006

On Tuesday 17 January 2006 20:41, Tessie McMillan wrote:
> It's not like I need any more cars or anything ....
> As I get back into competing in dog agility, I am finding that I
> really need a wagon! I have been hauling my dogs around to horse arenas
> in my track-prepared 80Q. It's getting really old to bounce over rutted
> roads and potholes, wondering if I've put my rims out of round, and then
> to haul my muddy dogs in and out of the back seat.
> I'd like a wagon to haul the dogs and I'd want AWD, and I can't spend
> more than $1000, as this car will not replace my sedan.  &:-)
> Is it a reasonable goal to get a wagon that is of a similar generation to
> my 80Q? Is there anything to avoid? Is there an advantage to finding a
> turbo charged engine, or would the early turbo likely be more trouble in
> maintenance?

I know I'll get killed for saying this, but get a Subaru wagon. They are cheap 
and good for this purpose. Not up to Audi standards, but for under a grand, 
you'll be hard-pressed to find anything.

Here is a flyer that this goofy Subbaru dealer around here passes around. Has 
lots of info in it. I post this in the hopes that someone had something like 
this for Audis...

Flyer to follow:

Since Subies' entire exhaust system are ALL stainless steel, the cooling 
systems all aluminum, and the shocks high performance gas-charged KYB, there 
are no problems to anticipate therein either! Subie's ultrastrong 
shock-mounted timing belt is listed for a NINTH year service, unlike other 
supposedly-competitive Japanese autos' 5 yr life.... (current Subie owners 
are strongly advised to dissuade unscrupulous attempts to shrink their 
wallets in this manner!) 
 Notice that I have no FORESTERS! Never have...never will! Subie's compromised 
design has no attraction here. Wonky, trucklike handling; noisy, very 
wind-sensitive, quite pinched rear legroom (shorter Impreza chassis, 
remember!). They're piling up on the used market unwanted by previous Subaru 
owners. The honeymoons are short...especially after an owner happens to drive 
a friend's Legacy/Outback or even a lower, far-better handling Impreza. Too 
bad Consumer Reports STILL over-recommends Foresters...certainly because 
they're simply the best iteration of the inherently flawed design of the 
RAV4/CRV/Forester/Samurai/Matrix/etc "Sport Cute" class? Don't fall for it! 
 AVOID AT ANY COST Subaru's flawed "Phase One" 2.5L motor as unfortunately 
used in all 1996-1999 Legacy OB/GT/LSi, Forester and early Impreza 2.5 RS 
models. Late 90s OBs, especially, may appear attractive to the pocketbook 
initially, but there's always a $1-3k repair bill lurking when the engine's 
twin head gaskets' slow percolation leaks slew to form Mt. Vesuvius underhood 
while galavanting down the highway! Often enough drivers can't stop 
immediately, so the heads and/or block may crack, too. Yech! I don't take 
chances here...and neither should you. Surprising that the Feds never forced 
a recall...probably would've bankrupted Fuji Heavy Industries. 
 Note that Subie's previous, smaller 2.2L motor that built such a fine rep for 
ultradurability as used in the 1990-1999 Legacy L/LS/30th and 1995-2001 
Impreza 2.2L/OB Sport continues to perform superbly, usually topping 1/4 
million miles before the upholstery wears out...or rust gets the fenders! 
Their autoboxes can't pass aggressively on the highway, but the 5sp is 
quicker, and a lot of fun. They'll cruise effortlessly in the 70-75 mph 
range, as opposed to the newer (2000+) 2.5L, which cruises REALLY quietly in 
the 80-90 mph range! Quite Audi-like. Those owners of late 90s 2.2L are 
advised to take good care of them, as inexpensive replicas are terribly 
difficult to find in excellent condition; the only reasonable upgrade path is 
to the 2000+ 2.5L Legacy/OB/GT. 
 Single young'uns are now asking about used small Impreza WRXs, as they're 
starting to multiply, now overtaking the venerable 2.2L in the used Imp 
market. Often over-revved due to a high-RPM-onset turbo, these torque-starved 
2.0L (yeah...small) racing wannabees are simply too abusable to risk 
purchasing. The automatic is a joke with a turbo, as it wants to shift before 
the lagging turbo even kicks in! Early feedback is that the trannies are thus 
at risk from overpowering from high-revving... as are the clutches in 
manuals, of course. And rarely can one ascertain that the "pressure-cooked" 
motor has properly been treated to synthetic oil and premium fuel, 
requirements for highest efficiency and long life for ANY turbo. A 2000+ Leg 
OB or 2002+ Imp Spt 2.5L non-turbo motor on regular fuel is FAR more 
satisfying (torquier) in normal driving, and of course is ultradurable. (An 
analogous situation exists with the otherwise venerable Audi A4 1.8L turbo. A 
fine combo with manual transmission, but positively lethargic with automatic. 
Hence the A4 auto only works well with the bigger 2.8-3.0L V6s, but these are 
harder to service!) So again, I'm really a fan of large, sturdy non-turbo 
4cyl motors that run on regular unleaded, are easy to service, and have 
decent fuel economy. The 2000+ 2.5L Subie motor is easily one of the best, 
following nicely the older 2.2L's heritage. Too bad there was that '96-99 
2.5L "hiccup". Be careful if you're bargain-hunting under $10k. Insist upon 
the 2.2L, or pony up the $$ and get the powerful, serene 2000+ 2.5L. The 
latter's 8-way power seat and quiet power are VERY satisfying. Indeed the 
2.5L 2000-2004 Legacy/OBs and 2002+ Imps represent Subie's golden period.... 
 The NEW "Phase 2" 2.5L used in the automatic 2000+ Legs and 2002+ Imps 
performs really marvelously. Its outstanding low end torque feels like a 
6cyl, and mates extremely well with the automatic's intelligent programming, 
so that 0-20mph the AUTO IS QUICKER, and above 70mph QUIETER THAN THE FIVE 
SPEED...and gets the same mileage! This great synergy has resulted in VERY 
few 5sp 2000+ 2.5L OBs being built. Subie keeps the manual's final gear ratio 
highish for punchier acceleration, especially when highway-passing, but that 
just means the search for a nonexistent 6th gear above 80mph. Can't win...but 
the manual is a blast to drive...if you're tall enough for proper clutch 
pedal depression and don't mind a bit of drone above 80mph. 
 As well Subie uses a fancy nonadjustable hydraulic clutch on the 2.5L, which 
unfortunately tends to wear quickly with most drivers who are naive to the 
big motor's huge torque at idle speed. Hence I must say that greater than 50% 
of the rare used 5sp 2000+ 2.5L Subies that I see need clutches already. Too 
bad. The $600 cost usually bumps me out of the running.... 
 So for MOST folks I recommend the automatic for the 2000+ 2.5L, and thus the 
5sp only for aficionados (and those above 5'6", to boot), or of course for 
the smaller, older 2.2L, where managing its lower power becomes more 
important when passing on the highway, as 5/4 downshifts can be helpful on 
steep hills. 
 One remaining important issue regards driver geometry. The long clutch 
depression on the 5sp requires that short drivers, especially, sit 1-2" 
closer to the airbag than in the automatic. This can be cumbersome, 
uncomfortable, unsafe, and just not pleasurable if you're, ahem, 
height-challenged! So if you're under 5'6" or so let's have a serious chat 
before you insist on a 5sp because "that's all I've ever driven", and/or "I 
like the extra control". The automatics can be down-shifted too, and frankly 
are a bit safer careening down an icy hill as you don't have to worry about 
momentary loss of traction as when declutching "manually". 
 What're the differences between: Legacy/Outback, Outback/OB Sport, 
OB/Limited, 4WD/AWD? 
 Better to review the Subaru timeline: 
 80-84 Subaru DL/GL 
 First interesting Subies, with indestructible 1.6 and 1.8L motors, LOTS of 
rust and exhaust system issues. Noisy, rugged, crude 4WD good for 
straight-line driving in muck. Horrible automatic, but fun manual trans. By 
the time I became sufficiently proficient at performing one-handed valve 
adjustments in the dark, Subie started over again with the... 
 85-89 Subaru DL/GL, renamed for 90-94 as the Loyale 
 Subie learns that their new "modern" OHC motors rip up conventional timing 
belts! Rusty hoods, exhausts, funky sensors, copper radiators all conspire to 
make owning one of these a love/hate gamble. Some lucky 5sp owners. Still a 
horribly inefficient, slow automatic, except rare 1989 models experimenting 
with the new 4sp autobox, as used in... 
 90-94 Subaru Legacy 
 The first really modern, bulletproof Subie! New 2.2L motor with unitized HUGE 
timing belt, 16v heads, stainless exhaust, aluminum radiator; terrific 
optional AWD automatic or 5sp manual allow true Audi-like handling in all 
conditions. High seating position favors short/medium-sized drivers, so women 
discover Subaru. 
 Lots of minor model variations in 94 to confuse shoppers.... Horribly 
expensive height-adjustable suspension repairs in pricey LS models.... 
 93-01 Impreza 
 Smaller chassis Subie, initially with underpowered 1.8L, then with optional 
2.2L (95+). Success of "Outback" name results in advent of Impreza Outback 
Sport version...simply two-tone paint, bigger tires, standard ABS, roof rack 
and slightly better upholstery. Phenomenal handling, but noisy at speed, as 
body predates wind-tunnel research. Clearly the most rugged, safest small car 
extant...even today! Shorties struggle to see over the non-functional hood 
 95-99 Legacy, 96-99 Legacy Outback 
 Redesigned 95 Legacy stretches back seat leg room considerably, but drops 
front seat 2" so everyone complains that they're now sitting in too-low 
 But guys up to 6'4" now rejoice. Most common "L" model well-equipped. 
"LS" (95-97) model adds power sunroof, CD, ABS, and most importantly, a 
height adjustable seat! (Named "30th Anniv Model" for late 1999.) AWD 
standard on all wagons, sedans north of PA. 
 Subie gets crocodile-hunter on TV to introduce "Outback" version of Legacy in 
96. Soft oversized crappy Michelin XW4 tires soften handling, but with 
crankable seat they conspire to raise shorties' tushes to new heights! 
Unfortunately Subie's new (Phase One) 2.5L motor proves to be a 
pressure-cooker with bad gaskets in the end, nearly always failing 
catastrophically. But as the 90s went by nearly all sales were for the OB 
instead of the more reliable, older 2.2L in the Legacy L. Who knew? Note that 
the GT/LSi were essentially LS but with 16" wheels and the flawed 2.5L. Too 
bad, as the latter were the best handling to date.... 
 The Brighton was a stripped Legacy 2.2L. Reliable, but again, you sat on the 
floor on a skimpily-padded seat and a louder ride due to hidden elimination 
of inner-body soundproofing. Brightons were cheap for good reasons.... 
 Subaru escapes what should have been a massive recall of the Phase One 96-99 
2.5L and starts with a clean slate in... 
 00-04 Legacy, Outback 
 Subie gets wonderfully Audi-like, with a very quiet (double-insulated 
firewall), ultra-solid body that now includes the redesigned "Phase Two" 
 Interestingly, this new motor manages HUGE increases in bottom end torque, 
but by being a simpler, solid-lifter SOHC design, managed by sophisticated 
automatic tranny algorithms, actually improves efficiency to boot! (22c/28h 
on reg 87). 
 Larger tires/wheels on stiffer springs result in extraordinarily good 
handling, best described as midway between the slightly softish US version VW 
Passat 4-motion and its stiffer brethren the Audi A4 V6 Quattros. 
 The 8-way power seat of the OB and GT models seems to fit all bodies from 5' 
to 6'3", resulting in poor sales of the cheaper L as its lowly seat continues 
to favor rare-air breathers. The lower-bodied L and GT handle slightly 
crisper than the OB, but giving up pothole comfort and 1" of off-road 
clearance in the bargain. All of these 2.5L 2000+ Subies are simply 
wonderfully-satisfying to drive. 
 Despite the wonderful optimization of the gutsy 2.5L, market pressures for 
stronger highway acceleration result in Subie releasing a VERY thirsty flat-6 
in upscale VDC and LL Bean OB variants. Expensive to own (+$3k) AND run (-4 
mpg!) I avoid these; drivability differences around town are insignificant, 
and thus don't warrant being piggish anyway. And who wants to work on a 
tight-fitting H6? Four large parts are almost always more durable than 6 
smaller ones, too.... 
 02+ Impreza, OB Sport, RS, WRX 
 Redesigned in 02, the newer Impreza chassis is much quieter, with an engine 
bay that now accepts the Phase two 2.5L, so these latter Imps become the 
mightiest of the small car club. Again, I avoid the torque-starved turbo 2.0L 
(all WRX), as these are too abusable, and indeed are quite thirsty, prefering 
premium, and are RARELY run on synthetic oil, as required of all turbos for 
long life. Stick with the venerable 2.5L. These modern Imps are a complete 
blast to drive...even more tossable in the corners than their larger 
Legacy/OB brethren.... 
 The boy-toyish, barely-civilized WRX STi does indeed start with a blown 2.5L, 
and is breathtakingly quick (for $31k!), but also VERY noisy, and 
ultrathirsty (18mpg premium). I prefer a chipped Audi S4 twin-turbo by 
far...but we can talk! 
 05+ Legacy, Outback 
 Wow! What a beautiful interior? The OBs look positively Infinitiesque...even 
the regular Legacy 2.5i mimics a nice Passat's more Teutonic ambience. 
 We all read Subie's dirty non-secret re raising the OB's suspension an extra 
inch to allow reclassification as a truck for US CAFE mileage standards... 
only way to allow sprinkling the thirsty 6cyl more liberally, I suppose. 
 I've driven 2005-6 OBs a dozen times by now, and consistently come away 
swearing at the softer roll-axis inherent in the higher center of gravity. 
The damned things are just too tippy-feeling. Even more so than the softish 
Passat, and NOTHING like the wonderful 2000-2004 OB predecessor (see above). 
 Yes, the nice 2.5L fortunately continues (with slightly more efficient 
intake/exhaust manifolds for +10 hp), and the tire/wheel combo is unchanged. 
But the springs are simply too soft for an elevated cabin. Darn! 
 Fortunately, by contrast the UNraised regular Legacy 2.5i, fancier Limited, 
SE, and GT (turbo) handle SUPERBLY. Phew! 
 But who's buying these non-OB Audi wannabees? Very few folks. So don't expect 
to find lots of 2005-6 better-handling NON-Outbacks in the future as used 
cars. Just plenty of sloppier "newer" OBs. And maybe too many with the 6, to 
 The Subie salesmen's favorite is the turbo's 2.5L Legacy OB XT. Hmmm...will 
the sloppier soft roll axis, plus extra care and thirstiness of the turbo be 
worth the blistering speed? I'll let you know in a couple of years...and only 
18mpg? Geez! I note that Subie's offering a deal on the 2006 Legacy 2.5i 
Special Edition (alloys, sunroof, heated cloth). Cheaper than the Limited if 
you don't want leather...probably what I'd pick if I were forced to buy a new 
 In May a 2003 OB Sapphire sold to a Scotswoman who arrived in a rented 2005 
OB. She LOVED the new Subie luxury/ergonomics/looks, but thought the handling 
was tippy EVEN compared to her old Subie in the Highlands back home! She 
alternated spirited drives of my '03 OB with the brand new '05, becomely 
completely amazed at how much "cleaner and flatter" the '03 handled...but her 
financing fell through. I hope enough new-Subie yearners figure out this 05 
OB sloppier-handling, and buy L's, Limiteds, SEs and GTs instead of OBs so 
that there'll be a decent crop of USED ones for me and you in a few years, 
eh? Meanwhile, those NEW-car shoppers considering ONLY OUTBACKS because of 
ground clearance, seating height, etc., would best compare the 2005's soft 
handling to a well-prepped 2000-2004 (like mine!) before committing $25-30k 
for a compromised driving experience. Remember, the REAL satisfaction is when 
sitting behind the wheel at speed in a twisty, NOT staring at the Saab-like 
body lines from your kitchen window, nor squinting at the Lexus/Infinitiesque 
glitz of the fine interior trim! If you HAVE to have a new one, my choice is 
the 2005+ Limited (height-adjustable power seat, sunroof, CD), or the 2006 
Legacy 2.5 Special Edition (cloth). Speed-freaks will opt for the GT (and 
pray the turbo behaves faithfully for a decade); you budget-minded folks will 
save some kilobucks and get a more austere L with smaller steel wheels, etc. 
But the obvious high value alternative is to seek a well-preserved, 
expertly-prepped 2000-2004...and that's where I come in. 
 My guarded prediction is that the 2000-2004 OBs will go down in history as 
Subie's most satisfying iteration: ultradurable, efficient, quiet, reliable 
AND Audi-like great handling. So I'm going to continue to stuff my menagerie 
with as many nice (underpriced) ones as I can manage... at least until our 
freshwoman graduates from the U of Roch. 

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