Shoudl I buy a wagon?
gfl1 at
Wed Jan 18 18:37:17 EST 2006
Looking through your post, its clear that you want utility to augment
you track car, and you're on a budget. I'd second the Subaru
recomendation. You'll get a better subie for 1k than audi, and it
should be cheaper to keep.
Yes, they are boring, btu I always find them honest pieces of machinery.
On Jan 18, 2006, at 9:11 AM, quattro-request at wrote:
> [Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 17:41:02 -0800 (PST)
> From: Tessie McMillan <tessmc at>
> Subject: should I buy an older Quattro wagon/Avant?
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID:
> <Pine.LNX.4.44.0601171708290.1184-100000 at>
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> It's not like I need any more cars or anything ....
> As I get back into competing in dog agility, I am finding that I
> really need a wagon! I have been hauling my dogs around to horse arenas
> in my track-prepared 80Q. It's getting really old to bounce over rutted
> roads and potholes, wondering if I've put my rims out of round, and
> then
> to haul my muddy dogs in and out of the back seat.
> I'd like a wagon to haul the dogs and I'd want AWD, and I can't spend
> more than $1000, as this car will not replace my sedan. &:-)
> Is it a reasonable goal to get a wagon that is of a similar generation
> to
> my 80Q? Is there anything to avoid? Is there an advantage to finding a
> turbo charged engine, or would the early turbo likely be more trouble
> in
> maintenance?
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks!
> Tess
> in Bellevue, WA USA]
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