should I buy an older Quattro wagon/Avant?

L DC ldc007usa at
Thu Jan 19 07:55:44 EST 2006

Indeed Kent, that last one is a real beauty!!!

I imagine pricy to fix when something goes wrong with

-Best Regards,


--- Kent McLean <kentmclean at> wrote:

> Tessie McMillan wrote:
>  > I'd like a wagon to haul the dogs and I'd want
> AWD, and I can't spend
>  > more than $1000, as this car will not replace my
> sedan.  &:-)
> If you were smart, you'd avoid it. You'd find an old
> Taurus
> wagon. But you already own an Audi, so you should be
> familiar
> with the family. Go for it.
> You should be able to find an '85-89 5000/200 Avant
> for cheap.
> You'll enjoy the turbo model more.  Things to look
> for, besides
> the usual used car issues, are broken wires in the
> door jambs
> causing inoperative windows, vacuum leaks on the
> engine (old
> rubber) causing hard/no start/rough running
> conditions, dodgey
> fuel pump threatening to die on you, leaky fuel
> injectors that
> cause long cranking to start the car after sitting
> idle for a
> while, frozen rear brake calipers and emergency
> brake cables
> slowing you down, worn suspension bushings and parts
> making
> for unsafe driving.
> If you find a well maintained example, you'll love
> it. And
> when you have it sorted out, you can upgrade the
> turbo spring
> and ECU for a cheap power upgrade.
> You may be hard pressed to find one for <$1000,
> though.
> You can browse:
> And find things like:
> (You can dream about the last one; I do.)
> Good luck in your search.
> --
> Kent McLean
> '94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
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