#@$!$%^ing "ultranators"

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 16:29:52 EST 2006

I'm curious if Brett feels the VR on the Ultranator is "cheap crap" because
it failed or because it was inspected and verified to be, in fact, a
cheaply-manufactured VR.

On 1/19/06, Brendan <mailinglist at endosquid.com> wrote:
> On Thursday 19 January 2006 12:44, Brett Dikeman wrote:
> > Broken AGAIN.  Voltage regulator is putting the voltage so high the
> > Bozo speakers shut off up front and the gauge is pegged...and that's
> > with every accessory I can think of turned on.  I had to drive the
> > car home 5 miles in 5th @25-30mph to keep revs low enough that the
> > alternator wouldn't generate too much voltage.
> >
> > Folks- regardless of how nice Avi is or how long he's been on the
> > list- his alternators are built with cheap crap for components; this
> Avi has always been a nice guy to me, and I put an "ultranator" in my
> 4kq....but, yes, I had a problem with the ultra's VR pegging really high
> numbers. So much so that Huw and I put the old VR on the new
> ultra-nator...Been perfect ever since. Honestly, I just put it down to a
> bad
> batch or something...
> I can further vouch for the ultra, with regard to its toughness, since I
> hit a
> pothole, ripped the 'nator off the car, broke the bracket, and it STILL
> worked.
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