eBay Deutschland payments

Steve Sears steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca
Tue Jan 24 09:06:23 EST 2006

I haven't had that experience at all - I've made quite a few eBay.de deals 
and they've always arrived in good condition, even the eurolights for my DKW 
arrived in pristine shape.  I guess it may be the folks we're dealing with 
(people selling fairly new stuff versus those selling vintage items).  I did 
have one box arrive that was ripped open and bandaged back up with Canada 
Customs tape - the letter from CC inside said that they were releasing the 
DKW hubcaps to me, but were confiscating the 355 mL can of Falken Haus 
BTW, as a data point, I've used currency in envelope for all of my dealings 
with Germany, all of the purchases were less than 100 bucks.  The local 
Continental Currency Exchange has rates better than the bank.
Steve Sears
1987 Audi 5kTQ
1980 Audi 5k
1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes - with "Falken Haus" hubcaps
----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Lee Levitt" <lee at wheelman.com>
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] eBay Deutschland payments
> To: "'Sean Douglas'" <quattro20v at telus.net>,
> <Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>,
> <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <047a01c620e5$1b5ce430$0401a8c0 at thorin>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Sean writes:
>> Make sure they package it well to survive the trip overseas -
>> my experience with German sellers is that they tend to be
>> skimpy on packaging.
> Yea, no $hit. Just about everything I've gotten from ebay.de has arrived
> broken.
> Lee

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