did all years have Quattro wagon/avant? and '89 - '93?

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 20:50:34 EST 2006

More clarification:

As to Tess' exact question, Avants in quattro were available in the US from
1986 onwards.

Type 44 chassis:
86-88 cars were the 5000 quattro and turbo quattro models
89-91 cars were the 100 and 200 quattro models

C4 chassis:
92-94 cars were 100 quattro models (were all 100 Avants quattros during this
95-98 cars were A6 quattro models (with the exception of the rare 95.5 S6

C5 chassis:
99-04 cars were A6 quattro models, with the '01 allroad being a variant, as
well as the '02-03 S6 Avant

C6 chassis:
06 onwards are A6 quattro models


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