Torque Spec: Crank S Bolt

Huw Powell audi at
Fri Jan 27 14:13:20 EST 2006

> Sounds scary Huw!!
> Especially the part about "If you cleaned it and put
> on a little loctite, it's not going anywhere."
> You're suppossed to put loctite when doing this job,
> according to the Bentley manual, I assume the previous
> owner did.
> What do you suggest?

What was the question?  By the way, you use "blue" loctite, the stuff 
that "holds" but allows future disassembly.  Not the "red" which is 
supposed to be "forever."

> Also, you wrote: "If you lean on it 4 feet out with
> 100 pounds of weight, you've just put about 400
> foot-pounds on it. 
> What does that mean? Does it mean using tool 2079
> hooked up to a 4-feet pipe?
> This would be for replacing the 27mm bolt, correct?

Correct.  What I am saying is that although many of us have bought and 
found useful the 2084, locking tool, the 2079 is less important.  We 
just use a good socket and breaker bar, and extend the lever with a 
piece of pipe to achieve the torque required.

> Since I would most likely not have access to a torque
> wrench higher than 200 foot-lbs, can I just torque it
> with one that measures to 200 foot-lbs and then just
> tight it some more (after removing the torque wrench)
> using, say, a 6-foot metal pipe?

Nah, just use the pipe.

> If I do the above procedure, would I run the risk of
> OVER-torquing?

I seriously doubt it.  Look at the size of that bolt...

I think the whole reason for that 2079 is that they want "at least" 330 
ft-lbs on the bolt, and most shops won't have a torque wrench that goes 
that high, so they make a torque extender for the job.  After all, the 
factory spec can't really be "put a 4 foot piece of pipe over a breaker 
bar and reverse bench press it".

> Again, many Thanks to all for your input.

Well, I hope it has helped.

By the way, one thing that really helps when doing the TB/WP job the 
first time is having someone around who has done it before, even if they 
don't get their hands dirty.

Huw Powell

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