No power windows/sunroof after starting car...

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Sun Jan 29 19:18:51 EST 2006

Do the windows work with the key on but the engine not started?  There is
some sort of relay that suppresses other electric functions during
starting.  I'm guessing it's behind the panel under your steering wheel.

At 11:24 PM 1/29/2006 +0000, Stephen Ankney wrote:
>Hey guys,
>Got a strange problem with my 5ktq.
>After about 1 minute after starting the car I know longer have any power to 
>my windows or sunroof.
>Sometimes turning the car off and back on restores power. Sometimes not.
>I understand there's a circut breaker that resets the windows/sunroof on 
>these cars? Where is it?
>I pulled apart the drivers side door jamb and inspected all the wires. I 
>could not find any broken or shorted out wiring. Any other ideas what would 
>cause this?
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