new to quattro

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at
Mon Jan 30 11:21:51 EST 2006

At 10:07 AM 1/30/2006, you wrote:
>Thanks everyone for your helpful replys,
>over the weekend i managed to get the front end back into shape, and will 
>hopefully put it on the road Wednesday.
>I did notice while underneath, some hydraulic fluid on the DS components,
>the high pressure hose from the PS pump to the brake bomb is 'weeping' or 
>'leaking' but not an extreme amount.
>2 questions,
>1) can I change just the HP bomb hose w/o having to replace the bomb?

..................see attached write-up (on your off-list post) by Al 
Powell ...1996 archived report.

>2) does my Audi require special PS fluid?  so i can keep it topped off 
>till i can get the time and $$ to replace the HP hose?

...........................Pentosin CHF 7.1s, about $15 a quart.

>otherwise, for now it's an 87 5000 Turbo quattro , silver with a slightly 
>darker 'bronze?' hood and 2wd CS divers side headlight.
>now to get a factory Audi radio from the u-pull-it ($25) and plates. 
>sticker says 91 octane, any benefit for 93?

.........................91 is what I use in my 87 5ktq.              Doyt 
Echelberger,   Ohio

>Dan Stevens
>1987 audi 5000 quattro (new to me)
>1987 vanagon syncro (projekt in progress)
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>10:07:59 AM ET - 1/30/2006

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