Heater core hose hook-up

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 30 13:12:18 EST 2006

I have seen the inside of more than one Audi heater core and never saw anything that would make the direction of flow matter one way or the other. 
What Bentley are you looking at? 
My 84 - 88 5000 Bentley does not have a section 80 Heater and I did not find a routing in the section 87 Air Conditioning. It may be missing from my (very old well used) manual or I may have over looked it. 
I can only find vol 1 of my 89 - 91 100/200 Bentley and it does not cover the heater/AC.
My 77 - 83 5000 Bentley shows upper hose should go to water pump and lower hose to cylinder head. 
My 93 S4 has the upper hose going to the water pump and lower hose to the cylinder head.
I have done a lot of Audi heater core replacements and never had a problem related to the hose connections. I don't recall ever comparing the Bentley to how the hoses were connected to begin with but I usually did not pull the hoses out of the grommet in the fire wall since it was a PITA. 
I would be more concerned that the hoses are routed so the are not going to be damaged. If your Bentley is clear and hose are safe then go for it.
Good Luck
1993 S4
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim and Patsy Schurz 
  To: Jim Dupree 
  Cc: Audi 
  Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 8:24 AM
  Subject: Re: Heater core hose hook-up


  If it dosn't matter how the hoses are hooked-up why would Bently advise they need to be hooked-up a specific way??  Perhaps the design of the heater core requires a specific direction for best flow.

  1989 200Q

  Jim Dupree <jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    It does not matter which hose is connected to which nipple. The coolant will
    flow through the core fine either direction. Be sure your hoses are routed
    and connected such that they are not rubbing or under strain and you'll be
    Take Care
    1993 S4

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "Jim and Patsy Schurz" 
    To: "Audi" 
    Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 1:49 PM
    Subject: Heater core hose hook-up

    > 1989 Audi 200Q.
    > Could someone verify how the heater hoses hook-up to the heater core,
    ie which heater core nipple connects to the water pump pipe. When
    installing the new hoses through the firewall the way it appears they
    should go based on their preformed bends the waterpump hose connects to the
    upper nipple on the heater core. This is the way I seem to remember taking
    the old hoses out. But this is opposite to what the Bently manual says.
    > I would be most greatful if some one could check an existing vehicle.
    > Thank you
    > Jim
    > 1989 200Q
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