88 5kq Will not start on damp January day, temp in 50's

Andrew Duane andrew at savaJe.com
Mon Jan 30 17:27:28 EST 2006

This was usually a symptom of old/bad wires. The dampness can get
into some small cracks in the wires or connectors. Twice I had this
and putting new wires in cured the problems.

(pausing to don Kevlar suit.....)

BTW, my 2 cents worth on wires is to stick with the Bosch OEM ones.
I've tried Blue Ignitors, and some other "high-end" replacements
with marginal results. For less money, the Bosch just work.

Hairy green toads from Mars made SJ say:
> Car wouldnt start today. Tried to catch once . .then it just cranks.
> Sprayed starting fluid into one of the bonnet hose inlets. No reaction, it
> just cranks.
> Took off Distributor cap, looked for carbon arc traces . .didnt notice any.
> . cleaned the cap insides. Tried starting - nope, it just cranks.
> Weather condition - rather warm for January, 50+F. Humid, damp .
> Over the last 2 weeks or so, I have noticed a bit of a miss under load when
> the engine was not fully warmed up. One plug maybe misfiring .. it was a
> subtle sympton.
> Put the battery on a charger. Came back after about 2 hours or so. Weather
> dried up a bit. Tried starting the engine . .vrooooom!
> I wrote about a similar problem before which happened to my other audi > 90
> 100Q. No start on rainy damp day, temp around 50 F.
> http://www.audifans.com/pipermail/quattro/2003-December/085586.html
> Subject was: "Odd engine problem on a rainy day . . chug, chug, chug, chug"
> Looks like I'm having the same problem. Last time it was a no spark/bad
> spark/crossed spark that was causing the symptom due to carbon tracks inside
> the distrubutor cap.
> I ordered a new cap, rotor, and plugs. Will put them in tomorrow.
> I will write an update post in a couple of days after I test out the new
> parts.
> SJ
> 85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
> 85 Audi 4k - - sold but still on the road
> 88 Audi 5kq
> 90 Audi 100q
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Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - SPG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at savaje.com
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386

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