Tat..Tat Noise in Engine

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 5 11:10:49 EDT 2006

Hi Alex,

Coincidently, I started looking into this about 3
weeks ago and, thus, began researching for gauges,
water temp (primarily), oil temp, oil pressure, etc.
on e-Bay. For one, it seems even whole sellers can't
beat the prices on e-Bay and you have a very nice and
ample variety.

Alex Kowalski <hypereutectic1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On the subject of oil, without opening the entire
> can of worms up for a big fight, I found this 
> article very interesting the other day while reading
> about a fellow Lister's adventure with his 1.8T
> sludge problem.  I found this to be a pretty 
> interesting article (it is the second link):
> This second link has intrigued me.  I'm thinking of
> adding a dedicated oil-pressure gauge to the 5KCSTQ 
> and mounting it in the ashtray area, along with 
> maybe a voltmeter.  After that, I'm going to take 
> some pressure readings and give the Mobil 1 5W-30 a
> try.
> SIDE QUESTION:  Has anyone ever plumbed in a Sunpro
> or VDO oil pressure gauge (I'd prefer electrical to
> mechanical) on a late-80s MC1 Turbo engine?
> I know they have two oil pressure switches, just to
> trigger the autocheck system, and I'd like to 
> preserve those while also getting a gauge readout.
> Any BTDTs or recommendations?

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