BMW List/Parts Help?

Chris Semple chris at
Fri Jul 7 10:14:04 EDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Alex Kowalski

Hi, I realize this is not Audi-related, and may be anathema because it's
about a WMB, but:

A friend of mine just purchased an older (1993) BMW 525i and needs some help
with maintenance, spare parts, and supplies.
Can anyone here at Audifans recommend some good parts suppliers (used and
new) and perhaps some internet resources similar to
the Q-list?

Many, many thanks in advance.  Now back to your scheduled

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ
'86 5KCSTQ

Hi Alex, I'd send them over to Euro Depot in NH(
Cheaper than BAV in Portsmouth, just not as much of the accessory style

Disclaimer: I did help those guys get started, and I do do all their towing
work, so ultimately I'd like to see them prosper :)

Chris Semple
Concord NH
'84 4000q
   '94 BMW M-technik -- for sale
      '04 F350 DRW
         '03 Jetta Wagon

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