(urgent) Fwd: '92 S-4 climate control + external temp sensor

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Fri Jul 7 22:16:15 EDT 2006

Hey all- can any C4 climate control experts get in touch with Dave?   
I suggested possibly unplugging the faulty sensor, linked him to a  
post or two in the archives, and suggested wiggling/unplugging the  
MFTS if he's low on boost/power, just in case it's that.  I hunted  
around in the archives and Wiki with google, and couldn't find  
anything helpful.

Much obliged!


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Peter Barada <peter at the-baradas.com>
> Date: July 7, 2006 9:45:50 PM EDT
> To: discuss at lists.naaclub.org
> Subject: [discuss] Question regarding '92 S-4 climate control and  
> external temp sensor
> Reply-To: discuss at lists.naaclub.org
> Dave Pflaum is in Florida as part of the Discovery launch, and finds
> himself in a real bind; his external temp sensor(or wiring) has
> failed, which leaves his climate control thinking is -48F outside and
> refuses to engage the A/C compressor.  Since he's driving back to New
> England, anyone have an idea of what to short/open(sensor itself?) in
> the wiring to convince his climate control system think its "wicked
> hot" outside so he can get back w/o baking?
> Send suggestions directly to dspflaum at aol.com
> Thanks!
> ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> From: DSPFLAUM at aol.com
> Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 18:12:38 EDT
> Subject: Re: [info] [announce] Reminder: Join NAAC for Movie Night  
> - Saturday, July 8th  6:30PM
> To: info at naaclub.org
> Hey Bonnie,
> I'd come but I'm still in FL.
> I've got my '92 S-4 with me and ran into a problem today.
> I think my external temp sensor has gone faulty as the dash gauge  
> dropped  to
> - -48F & kicked my a/c off.
> Would you ask around and see if anyone knows a "quick" fix for  
> this? I  don't
> want to have to drive back home with no a/c.
> Thanks,
> dave
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