Impact Wrench Recommendations

David Kase davekase at
Tue Jul 11 12:25:51 EDT 2006

The reality is that many things can be tightened with an impact wrench.  
Once you use one for a while you get a feel for how hard something needs 
to be "hit" to make it tight enough.  I use an impact wrench to tighten 
suspension parts and other large fasteners all the time.

I equate it to Teflon tape that many folks say you shouldn't use.  It is 
not a problem if you use it correctly.

Dave Kase

>NOTHING, repeat, NOTHING should be assembled with an impact wrench.  Only
>exception I can think of is lug bolts/nuts which can be installed with an
>impact gun, as long as you use torque sticks. 
>I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
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David B. Kase
Engineering Manager
PDQ Industries, Inc.
2754 Creek Hill Road
PO Box 507
Leola, PA 17540

717-656-4281 (p)
717-656-8749 (f)

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