200 cold start problems
Geraint Lloyd
geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sat Jul 15 16:37:33 EDT 2006
Just changed the check valve and the 2 temp sensors
(single wire jobbies)
the car displayed the same behaviour as before when
FIRST started with
the new check valve.
I'm hoping that this means that the old one was
rooted, and that when I
depressurised the system at the pump fitting the new
one, it produced
the same symptoms.
I'll have to wait until the morning for the answer
if it's still being silly then i'll start pulling
codes, but i've never
tried that before............
cheers for the help Y'all................... again
Geraint Lloyd
People's Republic of Canadia
'89 200 TQA MCII
'87 Group N Golf 2 GTI, 8v, RHD
cobram at juno.com wrote:
> Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca> writes:
>> 2. pump check valve
> You have new injectors, so this would be next on my
list. BTDT more than
> once.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> I was nothing more than an almost innocent
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