200 cold start problems
Geraint Lloyd
geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sun Jul 16 11:15:38 EDT 2006
sunday morning,
still have the starting problem......
I will pull codes in the week.
and attempt to leave the car overnight with the
pressure gauge attached
I do have the classic ' hall sender plug held to the
dizzy body with
zippy ties' issue.
I might just swap that anyway. looks like ETKA lists
the sender for the
200 as not available separately
I 'll call my Bosch dealer mate in Wrexham and see
what turns up.
Geraint Lloyd
People's Republic of Canadia
'89 200 TQA MCII
'87 Group N Golf 2 GTI, 8v, RHD
DeWitt Harrison wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Jul 2006 12:12:41 -0400 (EDT)
> Geraint Lloyd <geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca>
> Subject: 200 cold start problems
>> I have a problem with a CIS MCII audi 10v 1989
>> The car was not starting too well from cold. it was
>> ish, but not
>> 'special' it would catch after 10 to 20 seconds of
>> cranking.
>> [ ... ]
>> the car is now very difficult to start 1st thing in
>> the morning, you
>> have to crank it for 40 seconds before it catches,
>> then it idles badly
>> for 10 to 30 secs and is off....
>> the idle is ok, 1000-1200 when cold dropping to
>> 800-900 when hot. the
>> ISV buzzes nicely.
>> once te car has started once, it is fine for the
>> of the day, even
>> if I only let it run (properly) for a minute and
>> again half an hour
>> later.
>> I guess that it must be fuel pressure.
>> so far i have checked [ ... clip long, long list...
> First of all, your troubleshooting is impressive.
Not many hang in
> there that long with a 20 year old, overly
complicated, CIS engine
> management system. There are just _too_ many hard to
> potential problems.
> I had a similar problem with my MC I motor in my '88
5kcstq. I
> suffered with it for the longest time and - dope
slap - Finally
> took the trouble to pull the codes. "Bad Hall
sensor" was
> the code and that is exactly what the problem was.
The Hall
> sensor was intermittent and was most likely to be
> when the engine was cold. Unfortunately, in my case,
> meant a new distributor as the sensor is not
available separately.
> DeWitt Harrison
> '88 5kcstq
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