1990 model 80----idle problem--Help

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 10:45:21 EDT 2006

Following the replacement of the fuel pump, fuel and
air filter on my ’87 VW QSW 2 years ago, by an
acquaintance and VW certified mechanic, the gas
mileage dropped to about 18 MPG from about 25+ MPG

 How could that be, I asked myself many times?

Tire pressure was and always is within specs as well
as balanced and correctly aligned.

The weird thing is that the change happened right
after the replacement of fuel pump and other
aforementioned items.

Catalytic was gutted sometime way before the fuel pump
replacement and the car did not appear to be running
rich before or after the repairs.

Anyway, now that gas prices are much higher and do
feel the effect more so, obviously.

I recently rebuilt the cylinder head on the car and
replaced all gaskets and vacuums with new ones and
have driven the car about 20 miles until I sort out
other little details. I have not driven the car to
notice any change. Hopefully the gas mileage would



Mskawara wrote:

Adjusted fuel mixture with 3mm wrench, and the car
runs good for a short diatance, then it runs rich to
the point that it's necessary to readjust for a leaner
mixture. Afterwards it will run for a while, but after
it sets awhile, it won't start because the mix is to
lean. If set too lean, the motor will oscillate, and
not be steady. Runs good at higher speeds. 
Problem started after I put another fuel pump on. Have
used Huw's audi garage's poor running checklist   Have
changed numerous parts, but to no avail..Gas milage
has gone  down and can no longer continue to operate 
dailyto work for 80 miles.

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