AC out defrost vent only on HIGH.

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Wed Jul 19 11:36:58 EDT 2006

 Alex, No there are no codes..Channel 7 is good. Just
may be a vacume leak on one of the lines comming from
the programer to the servos?? Could be the CC head as
well, just don't want to throw anymore parts at it if
I don't have to..even though I do have a few spair CC
heads & servos & such.
 I got V8 stuff to do & building that stroker time spent on this takes away from other
90 80q 2.6l 20vt stroker project
90 v8q 3.6 not stock
93 v8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"

--- Alex Kowalski <hypereutectic1 at> wrote:

> Ron wrote:
> >So anyone want top stop me & tell me otherwise??
> >Thanx
> The only thing that I remember is that the climate
> control defaults to the
> "defrost" setting when there is a system fault,
> which *should* be registered
> by the head unit.  Have you checked the codes on the
> existing AC head unit
> and watched the graphic as this weird behavior
> happens?  It sounds like the
> head unit is flaky, but it would be nice to see if
> it's reporting any codes
> before you replace it.  I can help with that if you
> email off-list.
> Cheers,
> Alex Kowalski
> '87 5KCSTQ
> '86 5KCSTQ

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