coolant hose question, marginal Audi content

DeWitt Harrison six-rs at
Sun Jul 23 14:54:28 EDT 2006

My son is about to drive his 1.8T 1999 Passat - similar
platform as same vintage A4, yes? - from L.A. to
Denver. He had some gas station guy look at the belts
and hoses. Gas station guy says, based on orange
colored, dried coolant residue around a few of the radiator
hose ends that hoses and hose 'gaskets' need to be

What's this radiator hose 'gasket' business? Makes no
sense to me. Maybe my son misunderstood and the
guy was talking about the gaskets at some aluminum
hose flange or other? I'd just like an A4 knowledgeable
person to verify that the hoses themselves do not
have associated 'gaskets'. Just hose clamps. Btw,
what tool is needed to tighten the clamps? 7mm hex?

He managed to leave this until the last minute so
he has no time to seek competent VW service. So far,
my advice to him is to stop by a dealership on the way
out of town and pick up a set of spare hoses to take

Thanks for any counsel in this matter,

DeWitt Harrison
'88 5kcstq

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