audis at Waterfest

LL - NY larrycleung at
Mon Jul 24 09:35:45 EDT 2006

Showing my age a bit, but I recall when (okay, don't laugh) Saabs were
cult cars in the early 80's (it was the turbo's that did it) every Saab
driver waved
and acknowledged one another. When the cars became popular "status symbols",
they became just that, those that bought one with little thought to the
Saabs's rally
past and their early history hardly even noticed the earlier or non-turbo
cars (I had
a mid-cycle 99, and IF anywone asked, the only question ever asked was "is
it a
turbo?", which it wasn't). So, it seems as if history is repeating itself,
as Audi has
emerged from it's '90's doldruns and has become a sort of "status symbol"
popularity now has PUHLENTEE of non-lore oriented owner's now. They really
care it's an Audi, they only care about it's symbolism. So, they don't care
about the
past cars. I'd venture a guess that the same holds true for most BMW and
Benz owners. Of the major "prestige" makes, I'd say only Porsche, Ferrari,
and Aston owners really have a connection to their maker's past. All else,
it's just


On 7/21/06, Alex Kowalski <hypereutectic1 at> wrote:
> Bing wrote in response to what Dan wrote:
> >ITS TRUE ABOUT THIS, driving home from NY yesterday we(me,wife,and
> daughter)
> >were caught up in a 7 mile traffic jam due to an accident.
> Yep, the wave frequency among recent Audi owners is dropping even as the
> quality of the cars improve beyond all measure.  It's kind of pathetic,
> because I think basically the connection to Audis past has been lost among
> a
> large group of these folks, and I can even get police officers to wave
> back,
> but some Audi owners still won't.  I don't want to impugn them, but when
> you
> see a nice Audi and the owner is waving, you should wave back.  You might
> find that person knows more about your Audi than you think when and if it
> is
> broken down somewhere.  It's just a good thing to do.
> Alex Kowalski
> '87 5KCSTQ
> '86 5KCSTQ
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