Idle Stab. system puzzle

Paul Caouette paxnobis at
Wed Jul 26 19:11:45 EDT 2006

I believe the Audi list is not a place to vent. I race cars and collect them
as well.....but I vote green. Let's try to tone down the jive and stick to
the topic.

 and tOn 7/26/06, Brett Dikeman <quattro at> wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2006, at 3:29 PM, Huw Powell wrote:
> >
> >> The last time the engine was operated, a month or so ago
> >
> > I just want to interject a statement that is now the "received wisdom"
> > from the guy who runs the shop next door, and that is that "today's
> > gasoline has *no* shelf life."
> >
> Well, "today's gasoline" has 10% or more ethanol.  Ethanol's lovely
> properties include readily mixing with water; this will result in the
> ethanol separating from the gasoline.  Just like with brake fluid
> that has absorbed lots of water, the water absorbed by ethanol will
> cause rust.
> So, store with Sta-bil, and when you're ready to go, sounds like you
> may need to add a bottle of drygas before firing it up.
> I don't know which is worse; California eco-nazis that don't
> understand the implications of their legislation (or worse, don't
> care), or the mid-westerners with their pork-barrel projects that
> result in our government forking over hundreds of millions to corn
> farmers because they're simpletons with disproportionate voting power.
> At least MTBE is out of the picture! (MTBE was another brilliant eco-
> nazi move from our crunchy-granola whale-hugging friends out West.)
> Brett
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Paul Caouette

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